Independent Directed Studies 11/12

Independent Directed Studies involves a student spending a minimum of 100 hours exploring an area of personal interest, furthering his/her knowledge and skills in that area and developing a project that includes a final presentation.  Students may take up to 8 credits (two courses) of Independent Directed Studies in their grade 11 & 12 year.  Students who take IDS will work under the direction of a teacher who will serve as their case manager, helping to guide the student and provide assessment of his/her project.  A student may be a good candidate for IDS if they have an interest that is not covered by any courses offered at Selkirk, or if they want to spend more time studying a specific area.  Components of an independent study program include:

  • Identifying and developing a focus
  • Developing skills in creative and critical thinking
  • Using problem solving and decision making strategies
  • Learning research skills
  • Developing project management strategies
  • Keeping learning logs
  • Evaluating the process and product
  • Sharing the product with an intended audience from beyond the classroom
  • Keeping a portfolio of results

Independent studies help the student move forward from being teacher-directed to student-directed.  With teacher support and coaching the student learns how to decide on a focus, how to develop a plan of action and follow it through, and how to monitor the process.  Students take part in developing criteria for evaluation and begin to work with the teacher as a partner.  Independent study topics may include a variety of areas of that a student is passionate in and would like to explore further. However, to be considered for an Independent Directed Studies Project, a student must be committed to the project, be a solid independent learner, and be approved by administration, the school counselor, and/or the teacher in charge of Independent Directed Studies.  An application form is required with details around the project and how it will be enough work to make up 4 credits (a regular 4 credit course equals 100 hours of class time).  Students may work individually or in a small team of up to three on Independent Directed Studies project.  Please contact the school if you have any questions about this.

To apply:

  • Determine an area you would like to pursue
  • Fill out the application form
  • Talk to the Teacher Librarian who will be one of your case managers and get him/her to sign your form. If there is another teacher that will be involved in helping support you with your IDS, get him/her to sign the form as well
  • Hand in your form to the Teacher Librarian, an Administrator or Mr. Pew

Applications will be reviewed by administration to determine if you have been approved for an IDS block in your timetable to pursue 4 credits in your area of interest.

NOTE:  Application Form required- students can see Administration, Mr. McIndoe, Mr. Pew or Mr. Wetmore to discuss further.