Selkirk Secondary School Recognition Criteria

Honour Roll Distinction Criteria (Grade 10-12s only)

The following criteria need to be met for grade 10-11 students to be eligible for the Honour Roll Distinction list:

  • 86% or higher average at the reporting period and no score less than 60% or Incomplete Evidence in any class (Career Life Connections is not included in this calculation)
  • Be registered in a minimum of 6 courses with Selkirk for the year.
  • Have at least 3 courses from Selkirk in any given term/quarter to count towards the Honour Roll.

The following criteria need to be met for grade 12 students to be eligible for the Honour Roll Distinction list:

  • Be registered in a minimum of 5 courses with Selkirk for the year, one of which can be Career Life Connections 12.
  • Have at least 2 semester-based courses from Selkirk in any given term/quarter to count towards the Honour Roll.

* Please note that Distance Learning courses do not count towards Selkirk’s Honour Roll unless a student brings forth the course and final grade to Administrative Assistants in the office.

Recognition Criteria/Information

The Selkirk Recognition Committee meets each May and June to decide on the larger year-end awards presented at Selkirk’s Recognition Evening in June.

 Types of Recognition

  • Storm Spirit Award (grade 8-12)
  • Storm Attendance Award (grade 8-12)
  • Award of Excellence (grade 10-12)
  • Learning Services Student Service Award (grade 12)
  • International Student Service Award (any grade)
  • Indigenous Education Service Award (grade 12)
  • Fine Arts Service and Achievement Award (grade 12)
  • Applied Skills and Design Service and Achievement Award (grade 12)
  • Bob Grigg Memorial (music program) Award (grade 12)
  • Sports School (Hockey) Service Award (grade 12)
  • Physical and Health Education (PHE/Outdoor Education) Service Award (grade 12)
  • Top Athletes of the Year Awards (extracurricular) (grade 11 or 12)
  • Athletic Memorial Awards- Bill Murphy, Lee Haskell, and Nick Mayne (grade 11 or 12)
  • Junior Awards of Distinction (grade 9)
  • Senior Awards of Distinction (grade 12)
  • Schulich Leader Nominee (grade 12 student)
  • Principal’s Award (grade 12 student)

Storm Spirit Awards (Gr. 8-12)

  • Staff nominated.
  • The Storm Award recognizes students who have shown exceptional character, citizenship, and/or growth in role modeling our core values (respect, growth, equity, and innovation) and an area or areas of the Circle of Courage (Belonging, Generosity, Mastery, and Independence).  These will be the main awards for our grade 8 and 9 students.

    Respect- consistently shows integrity, honesty, and care in their interactions with others and their environment

    Growth- progresses toward personal and academic potential

    Equity- supports others to reach their potential

    Innovation- courageously pursues continuous growth

Storm Attendance Awards

  • Recognizes commitment to school by recognizing those students who have shown exceptional attendance throughout the year.

Storm Resiliency Awards

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes students who have had to overcome adversity throughout the year, either on a regular ongoing basis or due to extenuating, unforeseen circumstances.

Award of Excellence (Gr. 10-12)

  • Recognizes students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who have achieved Distinction for each reporting period in quarters 1, 2, and 3 of the current year.

Learning Services Student Service Award (when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a student or two, normally a senior student, who has provided exemplary service, character, and leadership within the Learning Services department throughout their years at Selkirk.

International Education Service Award (when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes an international student(s) who have shown exemplary service, character, school involvement, and leadership within the International Program throughout the year.

Indigenous Education Service Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade 12 student(s) who have provided exemplary service, character, and leadership within the Indigenous Education Program throughout the year and their years at Selkirk.

Fine Arts Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade 12 student(s) who have shown exemplary service, character, leadership, and achievement within the Fine Arts program throughout their years at Selkirk.

Skills and Trades Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade 12 student(s) who have shown exemplary service, character, leadership, and achievement within the Applied Skills and Design program throughout their years at Selkirk.

Bob Grigg Memorial (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade 12 student who has shown exemplary service, character, leadership, and achievement within the music program throughout their years at Selkirk.

Physical and Health Education Service Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade student(s) who have shown exemplary dedication, service, character, and leadership within the Physical Education Department over the years, including the Outdoor Education program.

Sports School (Hockey) Service Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a grade 12 student who has shown exemplary commitment, service, character, leadership, and achievement within the Sports School program throughout their years at Selkirk.

Storm Athletes of the Year Awards (extracurricular) (Gr. 11 or 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Coach and staff nominated.
  • Recognizes a senior student(s) who have shown exemplary dedication, service, character, leadership, and achievement within our athletics programs at Selkirk over their years at Selkirk.
  • Recipients need to be in good academic standing.

Bill Murphy Memorial Award (Gr. 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated; committee selected.
  • Presented to a grade 12 student who has excelled in the following areas:            
    • Academic excellence
    • Dedicated volunteer service to the school/Leadership
    • Actively participates in athletic activities.

Nick Mayne Memorial Award (Gr. 11 or 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated; committee selected.
  • Recognizes an athlete who displays sportsmanship, effort, and a positive attitude.

Lee Haskell Memorial Award (Gr. 11 or 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Staff nominated; committee selected.
  • Recognizes an athlete who exemplifies attitude, effort, and dedication to the sport of basketball.

Junior Award of Distinction (Gr. 9)

  • Recognizes any grade 9 students who are a Storm Award recipient in both grade 8 and 9.

Senior Awards of Distinction (Gr. 12)

  • Recognizes Grade 12 students who have achieved Distinction recipient for each reporting period in grades 10, and 11 and quarters 1, 2, and 3 in Grade 12; early grads will be considered based on Q1 and Q2 of their grade 12 year; part-time gr. 12 students will be considered if they take at least four courses during the year not including Career Life Connections 12.
  • These students are honoured with an engraved watch.

Top Citizenship Award (all grades when a decision is possible)

  • Recognizes a student or two students in a grade who exemplify positive leadership, citizenship, and the core values of the school.  In some years, the Recognition Committee is not able to narrow a selection done to one or two students.  In those situations, a Top Citizenship Award will not be given; the Storm Awards will recognize all students who are strong in these areas.

Schulich Leader Nominee (grade 12- when a decision is possible)

  • Recognizes a student who excels in STEM subject areas, plans to pursue a career in those areas, and displays general academic excellence, leadership, and creativity.
  • Each school can nominate one grade 12 student who then applies for their scholarship.  If successful, the nominee would be awarded a $100,000-$120,000 scholarship.

Principal’s Award

  • Staff nominated; committee selected.
  • Presented to a grade 12 student who has excelled in all aspects of school at Selkirk:
    • Academic excellence
    • Citizenship/Leadership
    • Attitude and Effort