Volunteer Information

Want to volunteer?

Volunteers at Selkirk are required to have some information in place before they are able to volunteer with our students. 

Child Abuse Training:
Must be taken every year. Training sessions are available throughout the year at Selkirk and others schools in Kimberley. Please check the newsletter or call the school for upcoming Child Abuse Training.

Criminal record:
A copy of your criminal record can be obtained at the local police station. Or it can be requested online at https://justice.gov.bc.ca/criminalrecordcheck
Access Code: Please contact the school directly for an access code

Copy of valid drivers license:
Please sent a copy of your drivers license to the office at Jodie.Smith@sd6.bc.ca. Or bring your driver's license in to the office and we can make a copy for you.

Vehicle insurance:
A copy of British Columbia insurance that shows third part liability of at least 1 million dollars. This can be a combination of  multiple insurance providers.

ICBC driving record:
A copy of your driving record can be obtained at ICBC or online at https://onlinebusiness.icbc.com/clio/   

***Please select 'Personal Driving Record' from the documents option. 'Years of claims history' can stay at 6 years. We cannot accept the Driver Factor Report***

Please sent a copy of your drivers abstract to Jodie.Smith@sd6.bc.ca

Vehicle declaration form / vehicle inspection:
This form will be filled out by a school administrator who go over your vehicle with you. Please call the school office to set up a vehicle inspection time.