Principal's Message

June 2024

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It’s hard to believe we are heading into the final month of the school year!  May was another busy month with cultural assemblies and field trips, including a busy schedule for our Spring sports teams.    As we enter the final month of the school year, I want to thank staff, students, coaches, volunteers, and parents/guardians for your support and efforts throughout the year.  I remain proud to be part of such a strong and vibrant learning community that embraces our core values and school mission of cultivating a culture of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.

As we head into June, I encourage students to stay focused on a strong finish the year, to self-reflect on their year, and to begin to think of goals for next year.  I wish you all a great June and hope to see you at our year-end events.  Here’s to a successful finish to the year!