staff group photo

Staff Directory


Photo of Clint Dolgopol

Clint Dolgopol


Phone: 250-427-4827 ext. 4732

Photo of Brad ​Carrier

Brad ​Carrier

Vice Principal

Phone: 250-427-4827 ext. 4706

Photo of Michelle Iacobucci

Michelle Iacobucci

Vice Principal

Phone: 250-427-4827 ext. 4780


placeholder image for Jeff​ Pew​

Jeff​ Pew​

Counselor, Creative Writing Teacher, EFAP Representative

placeholder image for Ryan​ McIndoe​

Ryan​ McIndoe​

Counselor, Career Life Connections

Administrative Assistants

placeholder image for Shawna Foulkes

Shawna Foulkes

Administrative Assistant- Student Records

placeholder image for Jodie Smith-Hodgson

Jodie Smith-Hodgson

Administrative Assistant

placeholder image for Gwen Zanini

Gwen Zanini

Administrative Assistant


placeholder image for Joe​ Ambrosio​

Joe​ Ambrosio​

Physical Education & Junior Math, Math Department Head

placeholder image for Pascal​ Carrara​

Pascal​ Carrara​

Humanities & French

placeholder image for Jill​ Deeney​

Jill​ Deeney​

Humanities & Foods

placeholder image for Mike​ Gruggen​

Mike​ Gruggen​

Humanities, English Department Head

placeholder image for Lindsay Gunn

Lindsay Gunn

Math & Physical Education

placeholder image for Jonas Haiduk

Jonas Haiduk

Science & Math

placeholder image for Jenny Healey

Jenny Healey

Math & Science

placeholder image for Sven Heyde

Sven Heyde

Music, Band, Choir, Career Life Education, Yearbook/Photography

placeholder image for Craig Hillman

Craig Hillman

Skills Training, Woodwork & Math, Health and Safety Committee

placeholder image for Leah Jossy

Leah Jossy

Physical Education, Health/Career/Leadership/Outdoor Based Learning Department Head (shared)

placeholder image for Jeff Keiver

Jeff Keiver

French & Social Studies, Social Studies Department Head

placeholder image for Carson Loftsgard

Carson Loftsgard

Science, Math, Career Life Education, Hockey Academy

placeholder image for Sylena McCuaig

Sylena McCuaig

Junior & Senior Art

placeholder image for Scott McInnis

Scott McInnis

Leadership, Teacher Librarian & Principal's Designate

placeholder image for ​Jenn Meens

​Jenn Meens

Outdoor Education & Physical Health Education, Health/Career/Leadership/Outdoor Based Learning Department Head (shared)

placeholder image for Corissa Pasiechnyk

Corissa Pasiechnyk

Junior Humanities

placeholder image for Vanessa Pavan

Vanessa Pavan

Humanities, Athletic Director

placeholder image for Amy Perry

Amy Perry

Junior Humanities

placeholder image for Michael Ramsdale

Michael Ramsdale

Physical Education & French

placeholder image for Simone Randall

Simone Randall

Senior Sciences, Science Department Head

placeholder image for Cory Scott

Cory Scott

Woodworking & Metals​, Applied Skills

placeholder image for Ryan Treber

Ryan Treber

Woodworking & Drafting, Skills Development/Tech Department Head

placeholder image for Heather ​Parker

Heather ​Parker


​Student Services

placeholder image for Lynne Banks

Lynne Banks

Student Services, Individualized Educational Plans, Learning Services Department Head (shared), Career Life Education

placeholder image for Corey Millner

Corey Millner

Youth Care Worker- Feeding the Futures Program

placeholder image for Tessa Rokosh

Tessa Rokosh

Counselor, Learning Services & Career Life Education

placeholder image for Karl Sindholt

Karl Sindholt

Learning Services, Math, Science, Individualized Educational Plans

placeholder image for ​Joleen​ Steel​

​Joleen​ Steel​

Youth Care Worker, First Aid Attendant

Library/​Learning Commons

placeholder image for Drew Wetmore

Drew Wetmore

Teacher Librarian, Science, Foods, First Aid Attendant, Principal's Designate

Aboriginal Education

placeholder image for Amy McInnis

Amy McInnis

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Esther Sylvestre

Esther Sylvestre

Aboriginal Education Support Worker

​Educational Assistants

placeholder image for Michelle Arsenault

Michelle Arsenault

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Charity Ashby

Charity Ashby

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Lindy Birmingham

Lindy Birmingham

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Lisa Caniglia

Lisa Caniglia

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Andrea Friesen

Andrea Friesen

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Eniko Janos

Eniko Janos

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Erin Johnson

Erin Johnson

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Ellie Kwon

Ellie Kwon

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Beverlee Murdoch

Beverlee Murdoch

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Tara Parfey

Tara Parfey

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Caitlin Schmidt

Caitlin Schmidt

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Jessica Sorensen

Jessica Sorensen

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Robin Stephan

Robin Stephan

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Marijana Wiebe

Marijana Wiebe

Educational Assistant, Health and Safety Committee

placeholder image for ​Jeremi ​Pakenham

​Jeremi ​Pakenham

Educational Assistant

Rocky Mountain Online Learning

placeholder image for Alison Silliphant

Alison Silliphant

Online Teacher


placeholder image for Paula Mihalcheon

Paula Mihalcheon

Home-stay coordinator


placeholder image for Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

​​​Custodial Staff​​

placeholder image for Wendy Honeyman

Wendy Honeyman

placeholder image for Jim Poch

Jim Poch

placeholder image for Krista Smith

Krista Smith

placeholder image for Carol Smitna

Carol Smitna