Clevr Online Forms

Back to school is upon us and the District is again using electronic school start-up forms.
It is the District's goal to reduce paper consumption, reduce the risk of losing forms containing sensitive information, reduce the duplication of information, make some administrative tasks less paper intensive, and help make processes for families more seamless.
If you had a student in our district last year, you likely have an account on Clevr already. Follow this link to sign in or create a new account
If you need detailed instructions on how to create an account, please follow this link to an updated district guide:
Once you have logged on to your Clevr account, you should see your kids listed. Just click on their names to go to their forms.
You should see your child’s name at the top left of the screen and you will notice at the top right that there is a completion % bar, this should be at 100% by the time you should are ready to submit. Below this, you will see tabs that are individual forms; Student Verification, Medical Information, Media Release, Technology, Outdoor Classroom Activities- Walking Field Trips, Indigenous Student and Submit form.
Student Verification- It is important for you to look this form over carefully as this is what we use to update our database (MyEd). Please update any info that is not correct. The two emergency contacts (click the little ‘add’ button to get two contacts) that you add here will replace what we currently have in our database so please look at all of the details.
Please make sure to answer ‘yes or no’ on these drop-down tabs:
- Health Alerts- My child has a medical condition that may require emergency care at school
- Student Legal Alerts- Court order on file?
- Indigenous Ancestry- Do you and/or your child identify as having Indigenous ancestry?
Medical Information- this tab will be ‘greyed out’ unless you clicked ‘yes’ on Health Alerts question. This form is where you should let us know if there are any health issues, we should be aware of- serious allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma etc.
Media Release- there are three ‘yes or no’ questions on this tab. By clicking “no” on the first question on this form means your child will not be able to be in the yearbook, in photos used in our school newsletters, and our Instagram site. Outside Media in Schools Release- by clicking “no” to the second question on the Media Release form, it means that your child is not able to be in any photo taken by the newspaper or an outside media group. These groups are supposed to ask schools for permission prior to taking photos. If you have checked “no”, please discuss with your student(s) and have them step out of photos as much as possible so that the photos taken are useable.
Technology- The technology tab has two ‘yes or no’ questions to answer. The second question is regarding the school Wi-Fi on your student’s personal device, if you say no to this they will not have access to the school Wi-Fi.
Outdoor Classroom Activities - Walking Field Trips- This allows your child to participate on walks from school including school wide events like the Terry Fox Day.
Indigenous Student- This form will be ‘greyed out’ unless you clicked ‘yes’ to the Indigenous Ancestry on the verification form. If you would like your child to receive Indigenous Supports at Selkirk, please be sure to click the ‘yes or no’ box after that question. Please make sure to fully complete the form if your student is to be in the Indigenous Education Program supported by our Indigenous Education Support Workers Esther Sylvestre and Amy McInnis.
Submit Form- Once you see that your completion is 100% please head to this tab to apply your electronic signature.
Sorry about all the details and thank you for your time on this! If you need any support, please feel free to reach out to me. My email is or phone 250-427-4827. There will be some paper forms coming home with your child on the first few days of school so please connect with them to get those back to us.